Monday, 24 November 2014

Wacky hair day

Wow what groovy hairstyles these boys have. Such style!!


Look at us we can match and make a symmetrical pattern with a buddy.

Oscar's castle and whale

What an amazing creative construction Oscar made and brought in to show us. Love the castle, especially the gate and flag poles. What an amazing whale as well. Room 1 deceided it was the whale out of Pinocchio. Thanks Oscarfor sharing your talent with us.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Halloween cuties

Two very cute boys entertained us this morning with their adorable costumes. Jacob was already for Halloween dressed as a pumpkin and Harshill made a very dashing pirate. Thanks boys what a cute duo!!!

Sunday, 26 October 2014


It is always so hard to choose who will receive certificates at each syndicate assembly. However this week was easy as Harshill stood out for bravery. Receiving 4 stiches under his chin and not crying at all definitely deserves a special bravery award. Also Cameron and Rhys for perservance in their Rangoli art. Both boys continued doing their best even though they wanted to give up and stop. We'll done boys.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014


Celebrations of different cultures are great experiences for our children. Today we celebrated Diwali with Indian dancing, rangoli pattern art and of course making Coconut Ladoo.  Below are 3 handsome boys dressed in their Indian outfits.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Who took up the challenge?

All the boys love a challenge, especially when it is a number challenge. Below are the clever boys who can count backwards from 30.  Well done boys you are amazing!!!!!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Grand parents day

What a delight it was to have so many grand parents visit us in room one.  The children loved showing off there skills on the I-pads teaching their grandparents the magic of technology.  Thank you for joining us and even joining in on jump jam. Some very groovy dance moves were sited. We hope you enjoyed our show.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Lady bugs

PWow what a great 'self directed learner' Oli is. His group read a book about ladybirds so Oli went home and made a ladybug out of play dough with identical spots. We'll done Oli you rock!!

Papa thinks Oli is pretty clever too.

Folk dancing

Wow what an amazing day and night time performance by the junior school. So great to see all the happy excited children, parents, grandparents and extended family enjoying themselves. Loved all the costumes from the children and staff especially Mrs Taylor's Nemo costume. Thanks room 1 you were great.