Saturday, 30 August 2014

Daffodil day

Wow what a lovely bright bunch of boys to teach today. All wearing colours of spring flowers. Thank you for your kind donation of coins going towards cancer research. 



Twins in the classroom as Mrs Pram needed to look twice at Vince and Mikael this morning. both looking very dashing with their new haircuts.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Oli's ukulele

PWhat a lovely surprise when Oli brought in his ukelele to play to us. He was very informative about his musical instrument telling us some very interesting facts. Thank you Oli for. Sharing your talent with us.

So proud of his playing.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


,.The day started off a bit sketchy with a few downfalls of rain. However the juniors are never put off by a bit of rain and excitement prevailed over all. We were all very excited about travelling on a double decker bus and a tram both on the same day. At Motat we learned about the changes in technology from the past to the present, and how life used to be many years ago. Getting dressed up in what school children used to wear to school was very cute and I think the hats should be compulsory
For the boys (so cute). Trying out quills, slates, typewriters, old telephones and washing clothes was enjoyed by all. Of course a visit to the mirror maze, challenge arcade and park is always a must to see at Motat. A huge thank you to the lovely parents and grand parents for making our trips possible and enjoyable by coming along.

 Always time to eat.

Inside the education centre where we experienced daily life in the past.

Melissa shows us how soap was used to clean clothes.

What a gorgeous group of boys (loving the caps).

Followed by another group of gorgeous boys.

"Hey Mum look at me I'm doing the washing".

"Hmm I wonder what this does".

"Bath time anyone?

"Now that's what I call a comfortable chair".

"Rub a dub dub".

"Do you like my car picture"?

"Hello hello....

"So who's driving"?

"So what time does the train go"?

On the tram.

Thank you!!!